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1.He doesn’t like meat .
A.a lot B.a little C.at all
2.—What are you in?
—I’m in Three.
A.class, class B.class, Class C.Class, Class
1. We must brush our (牙齿)before going to bed.
2.Don't_______(借)money to Andy any more!

跪求全新版大学英语综合教程4 unit 1-2 content questions答案

只用在表述意见的动词 perception 之后的一种从句,这种从句并非由主语直接叙述出来,而是通过第三人转述的。实际上间接引语大都是宾语从句,当直接引语为祈使句,陈述句,疑问句被转换成间接引语时,句子的结构,人称,时态,时间,时间状语和地点状语等都要发生改变。间接引语其实就是我们所说的第三人称转述。
He said,“I am very sorry.”
——>He said that he was very sorry.
“You should be more careful next time,” my father told me.
——>My father told me that I should be more careful the next time.



  Unit 5
  Text A
  Language Sense Enhancement
  1. struck
  2. mild
  3. gentle
  4. raise it
  5. benign
  6. with point
  7. something of
  8. made every penny
  9. small and frail
  10. not bear to hurt a fly
  Language Focus
  7. 1) In a way
  2) in accordance with
  3) vacancy
  4) in good condition
  5) transparent
  6) rub
  7) spicy
  8) hitherto
  9) with (a) bad grace
  10) instinct
  11) pawned
  12) current
  8. 1) turned up
  2) will stick to
  3) brought back
  7) turning, over
  8) took, aback
  9. 1) has a very weak constitution – she may not be able to survive the operation.
  2) was taken aback by the insurance company’s rejection of my compensation claim.
  3) was something of a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.
  4) needs trimming /to be trimmed – it’s getting too long.
  5) are often deceptive.
  4. 1) Oddly enough, went broke, wrinkled, he had gone all to pieces
  2) definite, is capable of, her vanity,
  3) too mild, sipping, stroke
  II. Usage
  5) Except for
  6) Except that
  7) except
  8) except when
  9) except to
  10) except what
  11) except where
  12) except that
  III. British and American English
  AME: can, candy, faculty, mail, railroad, store
  BRE: flat, lift, ground floor, trousers, tube/underground, maize
  AME: favorable, meter, defense, plow, tire
  BRE: paralyse, catalogue, leveling, programme, practice, characterise
  Comprehensive Exercises
  5. 1) insane
  2) current
  3) candid
  4) capable
  5) was taken aback
  6) in good condition
  7) constitution
  8) go all to pieces
  9) gone broke
  10) vacancy
  11) mild
  12) deceptive
  6. 1) suspected
  2) pleading
  3) confirmed
  4) stunned
  8) urge
  9) spell
  10) arrested
  5. 1) I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.
  2) He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.
  3) The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.
  4) Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only a few turned up.
  5) The teacher’s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mike perceived the society and
  6. For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by
  appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel he insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.

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全新版大学英语综合教程 Appendix Ⅱ Chinese Translations of Texts B (Units3万名法国士兵以及4万4千名俄国士兵或伤或亡,倒在了战场上。俄国军队再次


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Unit1 Ways of Learning
Unit2 Values
Unit3 The Generation Gap
Unit4 The Virtual World
Unit5 Overcoming Obstacles
Unit6 Women, Half the Sky
Unit7 Learning about English
Unit8 Protecting Our Environment
Unit8 Protecting Our Environment


Unit 1 Growing UPPart Ⅰ Pre-Reading TaskPart Ⅱ Text A Writing for Myself一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅲ Text B Summer Reading一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅳ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks四级考试新题型演练Unit 2 FriendshipPart Ⅰ Pre-Reading TaskPart Ⅱ Text A A all The Cabbie Had Was A Letter一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅲ Text B Never Let A friend Down一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅳ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks四级考试新题型演练Unit 3 Understanding SciencePart Ⅰ Pre-Reading TaskPart Ⅱ Text A A Public Attitudes Toward Science一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅲ Text B How To Make Sense Out of Science一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅳ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks四级考试新题型演练Unit 4 American DreamPart Ⅰ Pre-Reading TaskPart Ⅱ Text A A Tonh Trivisonno's American Dream一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅲ Text B Ben Carson: Man of Miracles一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅳ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks四级考试新题型演练Test Yourself(Unit 1-4)Unit 5 RomancePart Ⅰ Pre-Reading TaskPart Ⅱ Text A A Valentine Story一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅲ Text B The Wallet一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅳ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks四级考试新题型演练Unit 6 Animal IntelligencePart Ⅰ Pre-Reading TaskPart Ⅱ Text A What Animals Really Think一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅲ Text B Do Animals Fall in Love?一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅳ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks四级考试新题型演练Unit 7 EmergencyPart Ⅰ Pre-Reading TaskPart Ⅱ Text A “Kids on the Track!”一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅲ Text B The Night the River Came In一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅳ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks四级考试新题型演练Unit 8 Coping With and Educational ProblemPart Ⅰ Pre-Reading TaskPart Ⅱ Text A Fable of the lazy Teenager一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅲ Text B Ditch the Calculator一、背景知识与课文大意二、课文 译文与疑难详解三、词汇详解与典型考题预测四、易错易混词语辨析五、课文练习答案与详解Part Ⅳ Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks四级考试新题型演练Test Yourself (Unit 5-8)答案与详解