

admin admin 发表于2024-04-08 05:30:34 浏览20 评论0




问题一:兰博基尼的英文缩写 10分 全称是Lamborghini 很少说缩写就直接称Lambo 或者你直接说LB或LG

问题二:兰博基尼英文Lamborghini 怎么读Lamborghini 要音标

问题三:兰博基尼的英文名字是什么? Lamborghini 兰博基尼的标志是一头充满力量、正向对方攻击的斗牛,这与兰博基尼大马力高速跑车的特性相吻合,据说这一标志也体现了创始人兰博基尼斗牛般不甘示弱的脾性。兰博基尼 S. p. A.汽车厂的创始人费鲁吉欧?兰博基尼和兰博基尼早期生产的跑车、拖拉机。费鲁吉欧?兰博基尼骨子里渗透出意大利人特有的豪情壮志,激励着他一路从一位普通的农民之子白手起家,奋斗不息直至成为众人敬仰的行业掌舵人。这个意大利北方人凭借一股毫不妥协的闯劲以及近乎疯狂的热情,孜孜不倦地追求着制造出完美跑车的梦想。自那时起,倔气十足的“公牛”标志便成了兰博基尼的象征,诠释了这一与众不同的汽车品牌的所有特点――挑战极限,高傲不凡,豪放不羁。 咄咄逼人的活力动感,一往如前的豪迈气势,意大利式的热血奔放――这些用来形容卓越非凡的兰博基尼(Lamborghini)品牌再贴切不过了。 1998年德国奥迪汽车股份公司将这一著名的意大利跑车制造商纳入麾下。为庆祝该品牌创立40周年,专门负责奥迪百年来历史上经典老车的“奥迪历史文化” 部门为纪念费鲁吉欧?兰博基尼(Ferruccio Lamborghini)毕生心血和这一豪华汽车商的传奇历史,特地在奥迪总部英戈尔斯塔特的奥迪汽车博物馆举办了“‘奔牛’标志伴随兰博基尼风雨四十” 展览会。 希望我的回答能令您满意.

问题四:兰博基尼大牛小牛区别用英语怎么说 大牛小牛区别的英文翻译_百度翻译
Calf distinction
distinction 英[d??st??k?n] 美[d??st??k??n]
n. 区别; 荣誉; 特质; 卓越;
[例句]There are obvious distinctions between the two wine-making areas
[其他] 复数:distinctions

问题五:兰博基尼(英语说明) And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is a strange and mysterious to the birth of a surprise launch of a people and a staggering of the super sports car. Lamborghini can best represent the history of Rome in 2700, seven hill city of Rome was not built the city's defense, the expansion and the moment in the initial attack on the rally in the blood. Lamborghini Ferrari born is the enemy, but also doomed to all the world's super sports car is a strong opponent. It is the devil, but not to the ravages of the world. It is Satan, because it is taking another type of line. It is the rare works of art around the world, Italy's most prestigious designers Gandini its efforts into life. Every corner, every line is so perfect, are almost silent Lamborghini original interpretation of the United States. How many people can not have it, because it is expensive to the point can not be imagined. It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground.
Lamborghini supercar, the Ferrari as a challenge to e to earth, and perhaps one day will be born with the mission to change, but the life extension for the same is absurd and unconscionable乖张. Such a maverick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure.

问题六:兰博基尼轿跑的英文怎么写? Lamborghini Estoque

问题七:求翻译跑车名,兰博基尼大四款的中文名,称呼。 兰博基尼Gallardo 盖拉多/公牛 Gallardo是兰博基尼在2002年正式推出的一款入门级跑车
兰博基尼Murcielago 慕西拉戈/蝙蝠 第一代Murcielago于2001-2006年间制造
兰博基尼Reventon 雷文顿/公牛之魂
兰博基尼Aventador 鬼怪 作为Murcielago的换代车型,在2011年日内瓦车展上正式亮相。


兰博基尼Huracan车型再添猛将!兰博基尼Huracan Evo RWD Spyder是Huracan车型中的最新款跑车。已经有三个兰博基尼Huracan硬核版本可供选择:带四轮驱动的Evo轿跑车,带四轮驱动的Evo敞篷车和带后轮驱动的Evo轿跑车。现在又推出了第四款跑车。兰博基尼Huracan Evo RWD Spyder配备了敞篷车顶和后轮驱动。它和之前的Huracans一样强大。
兰博基尼Huracan Evo RWD Spyder配备了5.2升V10发动机和7速双离合变速器,就像其硬顶兄弟姐妹一样,最大输出功率达到610马力(455千瓦)和413磅英尺(560牛米)扭矩。
这使RWD Spyder可以在3.5秒内从0加速到每小时62英里(每小时100公里),最高时速达到201 mph(324 kmh)。相比之下,这比Evo RWD轿跑车要慢一些,后者百公里加速在3.3秒内,最高时速为202 mph(325 kmh)。
Brabus推出奔驰AMG G63终极进化版
日前全球顶级改装厂Brabus(巴博斯)发布了一款奔驰AMG G63的中级进化版车型800 Adventure XLP,该车型在原厂车的基础上,通过800 PowerXtra性能升级使4.0升V8发动机的输出功率从585马力提高到800马力,最大扭矩从850N·m增加到1,000N·m,能够在4.8秒内完成从0-100km/h的加速,最高速度达210km/h(电子限速、全地形胎)。
与此同时,这款车型中控台表面则升级到了等级更高的棕色真皮和碳纤维饰板进行覆盖;而座椅部分,同样升级到材质地更高的棕色真皮,并配上了菱形纹理、缝线工艺和“Brabus”LOGO刺绣进行点缀。此外,这款车型还能够配备一个无人机模块,飞行速度高达240 km / h。
全新车型定名为400Z,它将于2021年亮相。400Z将基于日产FM平台的升级版,并与英菲尼迪Q60 Coupe共享组件。外观上,400Z将呈现简单、整洁的线条,而不是在日产某些最新概念车和量产车上所看到的犀利和激进的外观。


Lamborghini Reventon
The essence of the marque: just 20 examples of a design masterpiece
Clearly a Lamborghini, but nothing quite like it. A super car without equals: the Lamborghini Reventón is a road vehicle with an extreme specification and, at the same time, a limited edition masterpiece - a coherent style, angular with sharp lines, inspired by the very latest aeronautics.
With just 20 produced, each 1 Million Euro (without taxes) Lamborghini Reventón is a symbol of extreme exclusivity, yet still offering the extraordinary performance that makes the Reventón so unrivalled: under the completely autonomous design, the Reventón possesses the entire technical and dynamic competence of the twelve cylinder Lamborghini.
Lamborghini prides itself on being the extraordinary manufacturer of extreme super sports cars without compromise. Sensuality and provocation characterise every Lamborghini, with an aggressively innovative style. "However, the Reventón is the most extreme of all, a true automotive superlative. Our designers at the Lamborghini Style Centre took the technical base of the Murciélago LP640 and compressed and intensified its DNA, its genetic code," affirms Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.
Born in Sant'Agata Bolognese
The Lamborghini Reventón has been entirely designed in Sant'Agata Bolognese, the original birthplace of the Lamborghini and the native home of every super car born under the sign of the bull. The design drawn up in Lamborghini's Centro Stile (Style Centre) is fine-tuned in close collaboration with the Lamborghini Research and Development Department. Thus, the Reventón is not only "haute couture" but it also stands out for its elevated dynamism whilst being entirely suitable for every day use.
The Lamborghini Reventón is not destined to remain a one-off. A total of 20 Lamborghini friends and collectors will be able to own this extraordinary car and, naturally, enjoy the incomparable pleasure of driving it.
The name Reventón has been chosen according to Lamborghini tradition. Reventón was a fighting bull, owned by the Don Rodriguez family. It is included in the list of the most famous bulls ever and is known for killing the famed bullfighter Felix Guzman in 1943.
Inspired by the fastest airplanes
The present day Lamborghini models are distinguished by the clear language of their shape. The coherent proportions of the Murciélago and Gallardo highlight their power and dynamism. Sharp edges, precise lines and clean surfaces: these are ingredients of a style reduced to the essential. Each element is created exactly according to its function; ornaments and decorations are totally foreign to a Lamborghini.
With the Reventón the Centro Stile designers have coherently developed this philosophy, inspired by another sphere where speed and dynamism reign absolute: modern aeronautics, responsible for the fastest and most agile airplanes in the world. This has created an extremely precise, technically striking style with a new vitality: interrupted lines and contorted surfaces create a fascinating play of light, giving the car incredible movement.
Made of carbon fibre and precision
Although it is based on the extraordinarily successful Murciélago LP640, the exterior design of the Reventón is completely new. Just like the base model, the exterior is made of CFC, a composite carbon fibre material, which is as stable as it is light. The exterior components are glued and fixed to the body comprised of CFC and steel.
The front is characterised by the acute angle of the central 'arrow' and by the powerful forward-facing air intakes. Although they do not supply air directly to the turbine like an airplane, bearing in mind the 650 hp, an abundant volume of air is necessary to cool the carbon brake disks and the six cylinder callipers.
Characterised by coherent functions
Naturally, both doors on the Reventón open upwards - since the legendary Countach this has also been a symbol of the V12 Lamborghini product line. With their asymmetric configuration, the large air intakes below the doors provide an example of the extreme coherence with which a Lamborghini fulfils its function: on the driver's side it is large to increase the flow of oil to the radiator. On the passenger's side of the vehicle, the air intake is flat because in this case, it only has to ensure the flow below the floor. The aerodynamically optimised flat floor structure terminates at the rear with a diffuser featuring an accentuated shape. This guarantees excellent road grip and stability even at 340 km per hour.
In spite of the extreme and innovative language of its shape, the Reventón not only maintains all the strong features of the Murciélago LP640, but also offers further amelioration in terms of aerodynamics, the important engine cooling system, the air intake system and brakes. The airflow and the section of the variable geometry air intakes of the engine and the rear spoiler (also adjustable) have been modified.
Owners of the 20 examples will be able to test the performance of his or her Lamborghini in person.
Perfected to the ultimate detail
The engine hood made of glass laminate with open ventilation slits offers a glimpse of the beating heart of the twelve cylinders of the super car. The glass also features the marked arrow angle that characterises the design from the front to the rear spoiler. The Lamborghini designers' love for detail is beautifully illustrated by the fuel tank lid: a small mechanical work of art, achieved by milling a solid aluminium block.
The combination lights transform the incisiveness of the design into light: the front features the most modern light-emitting diodes alongside Bi-Xenon headlights. Seven LEDs ensure continuous daylight while there are a further nine diodes for the indicator and hazard lights. Another technical innovation is found in the rear light LEDs. Because of the high temperature in the rear low part of the car, special heatproof LEDs are used for the indicator and hazard lights, stoplights and rear lights with a triple arrow optical effect.
A new body colour
Naturally, such a refined language of shape also demands an extraordinary colour. For the 20 examples of the Reventón, the designers from Sant'Agata Bolognese have created a totally new hue: Reventón, a mid opaque green/grey without the usual shine. However, thanks to the metallic particles, in the daylight this colour tone features surprising depth.
Opaque and brilliant colours for the wheel rims
This play of opaque and lustre is also featured on the wheel rims, especially created for the Reventón. Opaque carbon fins are screwed onto the black aluminium spokes, not only creating a visual effect with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, but a turbine effect also ensures optimum cooling for the powerful ceramic brake disks.
TFT display similar to an airplane
The same innovative force applied to the exterior design characterises the cockpit of the Reventón. Designed and created using Alcantara, carbon, aluminium and leather that comply with the top quality standards, the interior is inspired by the next generation cockpits: just like in modern airplanes, the instruments comprise three TFT liquid crystal displays with innovative display modes. At the touch of a button, the driver can choose from two vehicle information display modes. The instruments are housed in a structure milled from a solid aluminium block, protected by a carbon fibre casing.
The G-Force-Meter is also completely new: this display shows the dynamic drive forces, longitudinal acceleration during acceleration and braking, as well as transversal acceleration around bends. These forces are represented by the movement of an indicator on a graduated 3D grid depending on the direction and intensity of the acceleration. A similar instrument can be found in the airplanes. Formula One teams also use a similar device to analyse dynamic forces.
Customisable instruments
The instrument on the left of the speedometer associates the number of revolutions in the form of a luminous column with the display of the selected gear. Finally, every Reventón is equipped with a robotised e.gear controlled by two small levers under the steering wheel.
By simply pressing a button, the driver can switch to the second, quasi-analogical display, where the classic circular instruments, speedometer and engine speed indicator are configured in an equally innovative way and transformed into luminous pilot lamps with varying colours. The G-Force-Meter naturally remains at the centre in this display mode.
Electronic system developed entirely by Lamborghini
All this is possible thanks to the fact that the entire electronic platform of the Reventón, together with all the control devices, has been autonomously developed by the Lamborghini experts.
The same process for integrating the electronic displays in the car was applied to the Lamborghini Engineering Department.
From the conception of the very first radical ideas, the entire Reventón has been developed in Sant'Agata Bolognese thanks to tight teams of remarkably creative experts. An extremely refined and efficient process was employed: CAD design and development, creation of the prototype in the Prototype Department, all carried out under the constant supervision of the Research and Development Department's technicians and testers.
Atelier of creativity and high efficiency
Inaugurated in 2004, the Centro Stile is dedicated to design and characterised by a high degree of efficiency: an "atelier" of creators, designers and prototype constructors, who encapsulate the Lamborghini culture and spirit by using their remarkable skills to create aesthetic innovation.
The Centro Stile is located in a 2,900 square two-storey building. The large pavilion houses two test floors and related production and analysis equipment, while other rooms are set aside for the most advanced computerised workstations for designers and a style-model construction workshop. The Centro Stile is also closely linked to the nearby Engineering Department: the direct line between the Lamborghini development departments guarantees that ideas rapidly become reality.
Creativity and production under the same roof
The Lamborghini Reventón is a practical illustration of the streamlined functionality and efficiency characterising the Centro Stile: it took less than a year to progress from the first ideas to the finished car. The complete design process from the first sketches on paper, to three dimensional computer models with 1:10 or 1:4 scale, right up to the real size prototype is organised around streamlined, fast, efficient work groups. Thanks to the Centro Stile, for the first time in its history, Lamborghini is now able to create its own style philosophy in-house without having to rely on any external collaboration.
The 20 units will be manufactured in Sant'Agata, using a production process characterised by artisan perfection and rigorous quality standards.
A masterpiece with tested technology
The technology found in the Murciélago LP640 has not been modified. The engine in the LP640 forwards is the classic twelve-cylinder engine with 6.5 litre displacement. Only for this car, Lamborghini guarantees, an astounding 650 HP (478 kW) at 8,000 revolutions per minute (rpm). The huge torque, equal to maximum 660 Nm, ensures a powerful switch from any number of revolutions: even the slightest pressure on the accelerator is spontaneously transformed into thrust. The robotised e.gear changes gear faster than even the most expert driver. In addition, the permanent Viscous Traction four-wheel drive system ensures that every force is constantly translated into movement.
As in the original Murciélago LP640, the Reventón accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds, with a maximum speed over 340 km/h.
Born to become a legend
Since its foundation, Lamborghini has been a creator of trends in the world of sports cars and has always manufactured cars with an absolutely unmistakable character. Models such as the Miura or Countach, for example, were veritable forerunners and rapidly acquired the status of timeless classic cars. From the moment they are launched, every new Lamborghini promises to become a legend, destined to become a sought-after and precious possession.
With the Lamborghini Reventón, Lamborghini has done it again; it has created an unequalled super car; the perfect synthesis between the exclusivity and appeal of a limited edition design masterpiece, and the dynamism and driveability of a standard sports car. Thus, the Lamborghini legend is further enhanced by another, stylish future classic.
Lamborghini Reventón - Technical data
High strength tubular steel structure with carbon fibre components.
In carbon fibre, except roof and door external panels (steel)
Type: Mechanical (rack and pinion) power-assisted
Right-hand turning circle: 12.55 m (41.17 ft)
Wheels and tyres
Front: 245/35 ZR 18
Rear: 335/30 ZR 18
Type: 12 cylinders at 60°
Bore and stroke: 88 mm x 89 mm (3.46 in x 3.50 in)
Displacement: 6496 cc (396.41 in3)
Compression ratio: (11 ± 0.2):1
Maximum power: 650 HP (478 kW) at 8000 rpm (guaranteed through the engine selection)
Maximum torque: 660 Nm (487 lb-ft) at 6000 rpm
Engine position in vehicle: Longitudinal central-rear
Cylinder heads and engine block: Aluminium
Intake system: Variable geometry with 3 operating modes
Performance data
Top speed: 340 km/h (211.3 mph)
Acceleration 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph): 3.4 s (before: 3.8 s)
Fuel Consumption (according to DIR 1999/100/CE)
Urban: 32,3 l/100km
Extra-urban: 15,0 l/100 km
Combined: 21,3 l/100 km
CO2 emissions: 495 g/km
Ferruccio Lamborghini was born in Italy in 1916. He was fascinated with engines from an early age. During World War II he joined the army and was stationed on the island of Rhodes. Fortunately there was little going on there during the war. The island was essentially isolated from the rest of the world. Any cars, trucks or motorcycles that broke down had to be repaired on the spot with reused parts. Lamborghini became known as a wizard at mechanical improvisation and became very much in demand at fixing engines.
After the war he returned to his home near Modena in northern Italy and setup a small car and motorcycle repair shop. He soon realized that there was a desperate need for tractors in the agricultural area in which he lived. He found he could build about one tractor a month from derelict military vehicles. As Italy's economy grew demand for his high quality tractors started to grow. He began building his own tractor engines. His tractor business became very successful reaching a rate of over 400 a month in 1960. He soon looked at expanding the business and in 1960 began manufacturing heaters and air conditioning units for buildings as well as maintaining the tractor business. This too became very successful.
About this time Lamborghini started to get interested in developing a high performance car. He had owned Oscas, Maseratis and Ferraris but was always disappointed with them. Particularly their engines. There is a now famous story about how he was frustrated with problems he had with a clutch in a Ferrari (a Ferrari 250 GT), and went to visit Enzo Ferrari who's factory was nearby. Enzo had no time for a tractor manufacture and simply dismissed him. Lamborghini decided there was nothing Ferrari was doing he could not do better. He decided to build his own car with a V12 engine. For the design he found a very talented engineer named Giampaolo Dallara who had previously worked on a Ferrari V12 engine.
The new engine had 4 cams, a short stroke and 4 big bore valves per cylinder. It developed a surprising 350 HP. It was an all aluminum engine with a crankshaft supported by seven main bearings. These crankshafts were machined from SAE 9840 steel. The connecting rods (12) were of SAE 4340 steel. The pistons were of forged aluminum. Each pair of camshafts were driven by their own half engine speed sprocket and silent chain. This engine was really the prototype for all future Lamborghini engines. A body designed by Scaglione-Touring was used to house the engine.
The Lamborghini "350 GTV" prototype was shown to the public on the Turin Auto Show of 1963. Sales started the following year. The car was called the 350 GT. It was a complete success. Over 130 were sold.The future of Automobili Lamborghini looked very bright during the sixties. The 350 GT was succeeded by the 400 GT and then the 400 GT 2+2. The 350 GT and 400 GT 2+2 made the Lamborghini name known throughout the world. With the funds coming in from these cars and his successful tractor business Ferruccio allowed his engineers to design and construction a new car - the Lamborghini Miura. The Miura made the Lamborghini name legendary. It was a car truly ahead of its time. It shocked even companies like Ferrari and Maserati.
The Miura was first shown on November 1965 at the Turin Auto Show by Ferruccio Lamborghini himself. Only the chassis was shown at the show, the engine was transversely mid-mounted, something up to then only seen in real F1 race cars. The design of the body was executed by Marcello Gandini in less than a year, and on the March 1966 Geneva Show it was completed and on display. It looked even better than in Turin. The car was very aggressively styled, and an appropriate name was chosen for it, the Miura, a name taken from the ferocious Spanish fighting bulls. Again the car was a complete success.
This was followed in 1973 at the Geneva Auto Show when Lamborghini shocked the world again with his revolutionary LP400 Countach. Only a prototype was shown. Today it is difficult to realize the impact that car had on everybody at that time. Even now the car is a show stopper! The car at the show was painted in a bright red and with a black suede interior. It showed for the first time, the by now, famous, Lamborghini signature swing up doors. It also displayed unique vertically mounted rear air intakes to go with its powerful 4 Liter engine.
In 1974 disaster struck. The Lamborghini tractor business received a major setback. A massive order for tractors to a south American country was cancelled. Lamborghini anticipating the demand, had previously upgraded the tractor factory to be able to build the numbers of tractors required. The company lost a lot of money over it. Compounding things also at this time was a series of labor problems at the factory. While his personal fortune was still considerable he decided to sell part of his share in the factory. Eventually the factory was taken over by Fiat.
During the seventies the company survived on sales of Miura's. The car business started to be self sufficient and make money. However Lamborghini eventually sold all his remaining stock in the company to a Swiss investor. The company to this day still retains his name however. Ferruccio Lamborghini died in February 1993 at the age of almost 72
The oil crisis of the 70's started to made sales of high performance cars difficult. Production art the factory was plagued with budget and parts supply problems. People gave up waiting for cars with two year back orders. A wealthy Canadian, Walter Wolf, played a major role is supporting Lamborghini and developing the Countach during these difficult times.
In 1978 the company declared bankruptcy. An Italian court was appointed to find a buyer. A Swiss based group called the Mimran brother's were able to save the factory. Patrick Mimran (one of the brothers), in 1980 started to turn the company around. The Countach was developed further under him from the LP500 S right up to the impressive QuattroValvole. .
Just as things were going well, the Mimran brothers sold the company to Chrysler Corporation. This was a big surprise at the time. Chrysler support however was just what the company needed at that time. They were working on a Countach successor -- the Diablo. Chrysler kept the winning team together in Italy. While the cultures of the two companies were different and things got stressful between the management groups, they did succeed in bringing the vast resources of Chrysler to bear on the design, pollution controls, and new manufacturing techniques etc. for the new car.
Again the result was an outstanding success. The new Lamborghini Diablo got rave reviews everywhere it went. However in another twist of faith, in 1994 Chrysler fell upon hard times and had to sell the company. It was bought by an Indonesian investment group headed by Tommy Suharto of the well known Suharto family. Unfortunately in the late 90's an economical crisis started to hit the Indonesian owners hard and the much needed money for research on a successor to the Diablo started to dry up.
Fortunately the German company Audi had an interest in Lamborghini. On August 4 1998, in a complex series of transactions Audi AG became the sole owner of Automobili Lamborghini. As in the case of the Chrysler buyout, this could not have been a better time for Lamborghini. Audi took an active role in designing the Murcielago and brought to the table again the vast resources of a major automobile company to develop and produce another exotic car.
Lets hope this is the last chapter of ownership changes in this unique little Italian car company. It is to the credit of the people there that they have hung in to all the changes of ownership they have experienced over the years and yet produced such exciting cars.
Tubular frame made from high-strength steel alloy with carbon fibre structural parts
Carbon fibre with door and roof in steel; transparent engine bonnet (optional)
Independent front and rear double wishbones, anti-roll bars; anti-dive and anti-squat
Power vacuum, aluminium alloy callipers:
8 pistons front callipers and 4 pistons rear callipers
Ventilated discs: ? 380 x 34 mm - ? 355 x 32 mm
Carbon Ceramic Brakes (optional)
? 380 x 36 mm and 6 piston brake callipers (front - rear)
Power-assisted rack and pinion
TYRES (front-rear)
Pirelli Pzero 245/35 ZR 18 - 335 /30 ZR 18
WHEELS (front-rear)
Aluminium alloy, 8.5"x ? 18"-13"x ?18"
12.55 m
External mirrors with electrical closing system and heating system, internal mirror with anti-blinding system
Electronically controlled
First step: 130km/h and closure 180km/h,
Second step: 220 km/h and returning to the first step under 180 km/h
1. Water temperature > 95 °C and speed < 180 km/h
2. 65 °C < Water temperature < 95 °C
3. external air temperature > 30 °C and speed < 180 km/hTYPE
12 cylinders V 60o
6496 cc
? 88 mm x 89 mm
Variable geometry, 3 modes
chain drivenn, intake and exhaust continuously variable valve timing, electronically controlled
471kW (640 PS) at 8000 rpm
660Nm at 6000 rpm
Catalytic converters with lambda sensors
Two water radiators + oil cooler, electronically controlled variable geometry air inlet system (Lamborghini VACS)
Lamborghini L.I.E., with individual static ignition, multipoint sequential fuel injection, drive-by-wire system, traction control system, OBD system
Tubular frame made from high-strength steel alloy with carbon fibre structural parts
Carbon fibre with door and roof in steel; transparent engine bonnet (optional)
Independent front and rear double wishbones, anti-roll bars; anti-dive and anti-squat
Power vacuum, aluminium alloy callipers:
8 pistons front callipers and 4 pistons rear callipers
Ventilated discs: ? 380 x 34 mm - ? 355 x 32 mm
Carbon Ceramic Brakes (optional)
? 380 x 36 mm and 6 piston brake callipers (front - rear)
Power-assisted rack and pinion
TYRES (front-rear)
Pirelli Pzero 245/35 ZR 18 - 335 /30 ZR 18
WHEELS (front-rear)
Aluminium alloy, 8.5"x ? 18"-13"x ?18"
12.55 m
External mirrors with electrical closing system and heating system, internal mirror with anti-blinding system
Electronically controlled
First step: 130km/h and closure 180km/h,
Second step: 220 km/h and returning to the first step under 180 km/h
1. Water temperature > 95 °C and speed < 180 km/h
2. 65 °C < Water temperature < 95 °C
3. external air temperature > 30 °C and speed < 180 km/hTYPE
12 cylinders V 60o
6496 cc
? 88 mm x 89 mm
Variable geometry, 3 modes
chain drivenn, intake and exhaust continuously variable valve timing, electronically controlled
471kW (640 PS) at 8000 rpm
660Nm at 6000 rpm
Catalytic converters with lambda sensors
Two water radiators + oil cooler, electronically controlled variable geometry air inlet system (Lamborghini VACS)
Lamborghini L.I.E., with individual static ignition, multipoint sequential fuel injection, drive-by-wire system, traction control system, OBD system
  And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is a strange and mysterious to the birth of a surprise launch of a people and a staggering of the super sports car. Lamborghini can best represent the history of Rome in 2700, seven hill city of Rome was not built the city's defense, the expansion and the moment in the initial attack on the rally in the blood. Lamborghini Ferrari born is the enemy, but also doomed to all the world's super sports car is a strong opponent. It is the devil, but not to the ravages of the world. It is Satan, because it is taking another type of line. It is the rare works of art around the world, Italy's most prestigious designers Gandini its efforts into life. Every corner, every line is so perfect, are almost silent Lamborghini original interpretation of the United States. How many people can not have it, because it is expensive to the point can not be imagined. It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground.
  Lamborghini supercar, the Ferrari as a challenge to come to earth, and perhaps one day will be born with the mission to change, but the life extension for the same is absurd and unconscionable乖张. Such a maverick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure.
  The two main model Lamborghini Countach and the Diablo, countach model in Geneva in 1973 the first World Exposition of the meeting.
  Lamborghini鲁吉欧charges after the war in Italy to create a series of tractors, oil burner and air-conditioning system, so as to set its own brand reputation, and in 1963 in Italy, Sant 'Agata depot set up their own. This is said to have a Lamborghini sports car fans and enzo ferrari intention (Enzo Ferrari) met for its products would like to mention some suggestions for improvement. However, Ferrari and a tractor has no intention of listening to the views of manufacturers. Although without research, this anecdote has been in the circle. The truth no matter how, one year after the first Lamborghini sports car - Lamborghini 350GTV - is available, and it marks a period of amazing success of the beginning of the road. No one can think of some of the world's future super-celebrities will be competing for the purchase of Lamborghini, have a long list of Frank Sinatra (Frank Sinatra) and Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney). All in all the times recorded in the annals of the most successful sports car are all contained in a Lamborghini sports car of the two well-known "Countach" and the "Miura".
  Twists and turns through a series of frustrations, the fee鲁吉欧Lamborghini finally retire from the company in 1972. Lamborghini (whether or company) has never been a lack of imagination, but it has been the lack of solid financial support. In fact, the Lamborghini of bankruptcy in 1980, Italy米兰姆businessmen brothers acquired the company. Later, Lamborghini has several owners, including Chrysler. But they did not show the true lovers of concern Lamborghini. In fact, Lamborghini and Audi has been deeply origin, their previous cooperation in the pursuit of aluminum chassis structure. This relationship was marriage success in 1998, joined the Volkswagen Group Lamborghini. The financial support of the Audi, Lamborghini has its own management team to operate. Under the management of the Audi plant in 2003, introducing the concept of the Murciélago and Gallardo.
  The integration of this culture is not easy (full of exotic car manufacturers and a global automotive giant, a group with a group of passionate Italians and Germans proud). The result is a complete retrofit and rehabilitation of the Lamborghini. Audi can also have the ability to provide a large number of technical support, and the Volkswagen Group's financial support will allow Lamborghini to pursue the development of new products, it is impossible in the past.
  Evidence of rehabilitation is obvious: after all these years, Lamborghini once on the introduction of two new models, factory facilities have been expanding and updating, the latest being the new Institute. In addition, the Lamborghini Museum also began to open the door. If you go to Modena, we will certainly be going to visit the Lamborghini museum.
  "Audi history and culture" department Commissioner for the museum to highlight the theme of this exhibition came to adopt a new tactic. Key to display the current Murciélago and Gallardo sports car two after the launch, Lamborghini and its impact on the impact of present and future. Shown divided into four themes: the founder of charges including鲁吉欧Lamborghini introduced the background information; their job performance during the period; interspersed play the 20th century until the early 70s was in 1998 acquired a new chapter in the Audi. Tightly around the entire contents - " '奔牛' marks 40 years of wind and rain accompanied by Lamborghini" - the most memorable theme of the exhibition.
  And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is strange that this person, the legend, and the poor. As a die-hard Ferrari fans, he also manufacturing tractors in 1959, at the same time also offering air-conditioning and radiator. Wanted to build a Lamborghini Aircraft Corporation, was the Italian government refused. Lamborghini Super Ferrari fans is that he owns a Ferrari sports car four, of course, with his air-conditioned tractor radiator-earned money to buy the. Lamborghini Ferrari favorite 250 of the failure, was looking for sports car manufacturer Ferrari gearbox problem complaints, refused. While angrily denouncing Ferrari Lamborghini father - enzo ferrari (Enzo Ferrari), enzo ferrari more must answer: do not need a tractor to tell me how to make a sports bar! (Early, like the Ferrari and now the哄哄MA牛逼, they put all the efforts on the car, the general civilian vehicle just to make money to subsidize R & D Racing, the Ferrari-level civilian control of the performance of the road in general, car owners do not satisfaction but did not dare complain, because it may be to prohibit the purchase of the Ferrari, it seems that everyone has the low sex).
  Nature of the Lamborghini孤傲respected by their own people by making a mockery of such a consequence is still serious: Treasures from the sale of its four视若Ferrari sports car and go bankrupt, "Lamborghini sports car manufacturer Co., Ltd." In the distance of both Ferrari Modena 15 km of the new Sant agata bolohgess.
  On the means of the next Lamborghini - Ferrari and Maserati dug from a large number of people, including well-known贝萨里尼(Giotto Bizzarini), the designer of Ferrari 250GTO, he in the 20th century, the impact of the Italian car scene power even higher than the Enzo and佛瑞肯, he designed the 3.5-liter 360-horsepower V-12 engine has become the banner of Lamborghini Ferrari challenge.贝萨里尼enough personality that he renegade Ferrari enzo ferrari because he refused to allow the use of independent suspension, many years later is too late often enzo ferrari贝萨里尼of release!
  October 26, 1963, Turin, Italy, auto show, Lamborghini launch of his first works 350GTV (chassis number 0100), speed 280 km / h, only one production. Finally, a devil was born, a devil take the independent route, the devil of the most prestigious Italian designers Gandini life into their efforts.
  Mr. Lamborghini died in 1993.
  费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼在意大利战后制造了一系列的拖拉机、燃油燃烧器及空调系统,从而为自己的品牌树立了声望,并于1963年在意大利Sant 'Agata 成立了自己的车厂。据说有一次兰博基尼这个跑车迷打算和恩佐·法拉利(Enzo Ferrari)会面,想对其产品提些改进建议。然而法拉利并无意听取一个拖拉机制造商的意见。虽未经考证,这则轶事始终在圈内流传。不论事实真相如何,一年后首款兰博基尼跑车——兰博基尼350GTV——面世了,它标志着一段令人称奇的成功之路的开始。没人能想到日后世界上的一些超级名流会竞相购买兰博基尼,长长的名册中有法兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)和保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)。所有记载各个时代最成功跑车的编年史中无一不载录了兰博基尼的两款著名跑车“ Countach”和“ Miura”。
  在意大利乃至全世界,兰博基尼这个人是诡异的、传奇的、可怜的。作为法拉利的铁杆车迷,他1959年还在制造拖拉机,同时还兼做空调和暖气片。兰博基尼本想建立一家飞机公司,被意大利政府严词拒绝。兰博基尼是法拉利的超级粉丝,他拥有四辆法拉利跑车,当然是用他生产拖拉机暖气片空调赚来的钱买的。兰博基尼最喜欢的法拉利250出了故障,遂找法拉利跑车制造公司投诉变速箱问题,遭拒。气愤之余兰博基尼声讨法拉利之父——恩佐法拉利(Enzo Ferrari),恩佐法拉利的答复更绝:用不着一个做拖拉机的来告诉我如何制造跑车吧!(早期的法拉利和现在一样马哄哄的牛逼,他们把所有的精力都放在赛车上,一般民用车只是为了赚钱来补贴赛车研发,民用级的法拉利路面操控性能一般,车主们不满意却不敢抱怨,因为这样可能会被禁止购买法拉利,看来人人都有贱性)。
  生性孤傲的兰博基尼被自己所敬重的人如此嘲弄,后果还算严重:变卖了自己视若珍宝的四辆法拉利跑车并倾家荡产,“兰博基尼跑车制造股份有限公司”在距离法拉利之都Modena仅15公里的Sant agata bolohgess新建。
  接下来兰博基尼就不择手段了——从法拉利和玛莎拉蒂挖了大批人才,包括著名的贝萨里尼(Giotto Bizzarini),法拉利250GTO的设计师,他在20世纪意大利车坛的影响力甚至高于恩佐和佛瑞肯,他设计的3.5升360马力的V-12发动机成为兰博基尼挑战法拉利的旗帜。贝萨里尼也够个性的,他叛离法拉利的原因是恩佐法拉利拒绝让他使用独立后悬挂,多年后恩佐法拉利对放走贝萨里尼追悔莫及!


Lamborghini History
Ferrucio Lamborghini was born during 1916 in a Italian farming village called Renazzo di Cento, Ferrara. He was drafted into the Italian service during World War II where he repaired vehicles. After the war, Ferrucio began building tractors out of his garage using army surplus left behind by the Allied Forces. There was a strong demand for his products and which allowed for him to move into larger facilities. In 1959 the Lamborghini production was extended to burners and air conditioning units. The businesses became so successful that he became one of the wealthiest individuals in Italy.
Ferrucio Lamborghini owned a Ferrari that started giving him problems. The problems could not be solved by the local repair shop so he took it to Modena and confronted Enzo Ferrari himself. Enzo Ferrari, a man known for his arrogance, told Ferrucio that the problem was not with the car but rather with the 'farmer'. After being insulted, Ferrucio decided to build his own GT car.
Automobili Lamborghini SpA was founded in early 1963 at SantAgata Bologna. He used his birth sign, Taurus the bull, as a symbol for his cars. Most of his cars were named in connection with bulls. Giotto Bizzarrini, a former employee of Ferrari was recruited to design and build a V-12 for Lamborghini. The engine was soon completed and produced 400 BHP. Since Ferrucio wanted a GT car and not a race car, the engine was de-tuned to 280 BHP.
In March of 1964, Lamborghini's first production car arrived and was named the 350 GT. The 350 GT was succeeded by the 400 GT and the 400 GT 2+2. When the Miura was introduced, a true super-car, it was named after a famous bull's race, and this practice became a tradition for the House of the Bull.
During its life time, the company has faced some hardships but has been able to pull through due to breath-taking works-of-art such as the Countach, Espada, and Diablo.
In 1973 Ferrucio sold all of his companies and retired to his vineyard in Italy's Umbria province. He died on February 20, 1993 at the age of 77. The company lives on.
40 years of the legendary Lamborghini is to challenge Ferrari and the world came to the Messenger of revenge. It is like the devil, with Guaizhang character; it was Satan, because it take an alternative route.
Italy, beautiful and fanaticism of the Mediterranean countries on the peninsula, the Alps about a long history of Vesuvius in ancient Rome, filled with passion, this is the birthplace of the Lamborghini.
Ferrari, Lamborghini was born enemies, but also all the world's super sports car is a strong competitor. How many people can not have it because it is expensive to the point where can not be imagined. High above it, to breathe the air of thin air, the people of the world with respect to attract attention. To challenge Ferrari and Lamborghini came to the world, and perhaps one day it will change the mission, but it is Guaizhang, Cold character will remain unchanged for life.
Lamborghini set up on the story, there are two arguments, one is:
Lamborghini was born in Italy in the northern city of Ferrara. One day, Forui Ken collected 4 Ferrari sports car in the Ferrari 250 there have been failures, burning with impatience to find his Ferrari sports car maker's service, but cold. Forui Ken was angered that he had to sell their treasures Shiruo 4 of the Ferrari sports car is determined to build its own research and decided a high Ferrari.
The other is: On the same day, Ferrari, Lamborghini visit, like wearing sunglasses, not more words of Ferrari, quietly listening to the other side of the 250GT coupe is a breakdown of how superior. But to hear directly Lamborghini gearbox shortcomings, the eyes do not carry the Ferrari replied, "no need to manufacture agricultural machines, tell me how the cars!" Meeting broke up. Lamborghini excited by this one, decided to go for, to create a Ferrari than better, faster, more powerful super sports car. As a result, the depot set up Lamborghini.
While no official data to find evidence that the two statements are correct which, however, because the Lamborghini is from the start to Ferrari for the enemy, only today it has created extraordinary technology and reputation.
Lamborghini old tractor started to manufacture, production and even have air conditioning, and helicopters fought the idea, if not the Italian government restrictions on him, I am afraid this Lamborghini is not running on the ground, but the bull flying in the sky . Even for the Chinese translation of Lamborghini, a number of both domestic version - Lamborghini, Lamborghini, Bao Lan Kennedy ... ...
In 1964, Lamborghini introduced the first mass production vehicle-350GT. Lamborghini 350GT shape is not outstanding, because the Lamborghini in the body design is a layman, even to improve its performance so sales are not optimistic. Until 1966, 2 +2 seat 400GT, this situation can be improved. 400GT horsepower to 320 hp strong competitors in one fell swoop to beat the Ferrari, Maserati and Aston Martin.
1966, P400 Mila (miura) debut. P behalf of the post (posteriore), suggesting Mira rear of the engine surprise. Mira body is very low, only a height 1050 mm, two-door two-seater, a long hood. Mila Mila J is the racing version, only a. It's very tragic fate, Lamborghini depot economic issues, as expensive assets sold to an industrialist.
Soon, the industrialist and his girlfriend in the lobby when the accident occurred, Mila J hit the bridge, the oil tank explosion occurred. Mila J alone version of the so away, and even the chassis can not be recovered. Mila J left by the data is alarming, the maximum speed 320 km / h, from 0 km / h - 100 km / h in only 3.6 seconds, the maximum power of 440 hp, maximum torque 403 Nm.
Jan 21, 1990, the 5-year time-consuming, red-owned 6,000,000,000 liras Phantom of the Lamborghini (Diablo) long. Lamborghini's Phantom of the design is simple: to be higher than the maximum speed 315 km / hour. Countach with the supernatural, like the use Daojian-door, side-line more smooth, natural crisp lines as a whole. From 1990 to 1998, total production of Phantom of the 900 to a maximum speed 328 km / hour. Phantom is not perfect, however, difficult to control the clutch, when the high-speed steering difficulties, these shortcomings have been troubled by a Lamborghini. In 1993, the standard version of the Phantom in the launch of 3 years, Lamborghini launched Phantom VT. VT is the so-called ViscousTraction, mean viscous drive system, gets its name from the use of VT Phantom of the viscous coupler.
GT2 is a supernatural series Ghost link between past and future works, it inherited the essence of the supernatural series, but also after the GT and the ghosts of ghosts VT6 create a basis. GT2 in the 1998 Copenhagen auto show display, as a single version of its Lamborghini set the price of 350,000 U.S. dollars. Lamborghini GT2 is still missing, and its body, the mechanical properties of the data have no way to explore.
By the end of 1987, the United States Lamborghini Chrysler to 25,000,000 U.S. dollars to buy.
In 1998, Audi acquired Lamborghini, and since then attributed to the general public's.
April 28, 1916, for all the Lamborghini lovers is memorable, and its founder Forui Ken Lamborghini is born this day in the northern Italian city of Bologna (Bologna) nearby The city of Ferrara (Ferrara). Lamborghini Forui Ken's childhood was spent in the countryside, can be seen everywhere in the country's agricultural equipment to attract strong, he aspires to be a mechanic. Parents support for Lamborghini added to the enthusiasm of a fire mission. In Italy into the air before the first Lamborghini into the machinery of the Institute of Bologna, where he was the most formal and most of the harsh training. The period of study in the future proved to be invaluable.
The latter part of World War II, Lamborghini was captured by the Allies and was held in the Aegean Sea on the beautiful Rhode Island (island of Rhodes). Lamborghini home after release from Ferrara, where he engaged in a military vehicle converted for agricultural vehicles. At that time, many people believe is the Lamborghini in the adventure, but his adventure was later proved to be successful. Rambo in 1948
The history of 'Lamborghini Automobili' officially starts in 1963. Nevertheless, we must consider the far-off roots of this event, and they are the roots of Ferruccio Lamborghini. Born in 1916, this capable, impetuous, strong-willed Taurus was the leading character in the foundation of the company and the early phases of its extraordinary history.
By the time he decided to build a factory of luxury sports cars, Ferruccio was already a very wealthy man. In the period following World War II, he founded his tractor factory, which he launched with energy and determination, creating a major point of reference in this industry. Other businesses followed, and he amassed his fortune at the perfect time, before his fiftieth birthday. By the early Sixties, Lamborghini was a powerful and successful man who knew exactly what he wanted, but when he said he would build a super sports car to compete with Ferrari, many people thought he was mad. Constructing that kind of car was viewed as an unexplainable extravagance, a hazardous leap in the dark, and something that would squander his fortune without ever turning a profit.
He started working on this project in late 1962, and by May 1963 he had already founded 'Automobili Ferruccio Lamborghini', buying a large plot of land in Sant'Agata Bolognese, about 25 kilometres from Bologna, to build a new large and ultramodern factory. Because of the experience he had gained with his other companies, he was in a position to set up the best facilities for his purpose: a very functional structure that, at the time, was unrivalled in its field. The enormous and well-lit central building was adjacent to the office building, so that the management could constantly monitor the production situation. This was ideal for Lamborghini, who would often roll up his shirtsleeves and go to work on the cars personally when he saw something that wasn't done just the way he wanted.
This culture's fusion not easy (to fill with foreign land affective tone automobile manufacturer and a global automobile manufacture giant, a crowd fills with fervor Italian and group of arrogant Germans). The result is a thorough modification and the revival orchid abundant Guinea. Audi has ability also to be possible to provide the massive technical support, but the populace group's financial support also allows the blue abundant Guinea to pursue the new product the development, this point in before is impossible. revives the certificate is obvious: After these many years, the blue abundant Guinea introduced two brand-new vehicle types all of a sudden, the plant facility also obtained the expansion and the renewal, recently also in newly built design institute. Moreover, the blue abundant Guinea museum also starts to turn on the front door. If you must go to Mordey that certainly must visit the blue abundant Guinea museum. “the Audi history culture” department's museum special commissioner to highlight this exposition's subject to use the brand-new method especially. Has demonstrated the present with emphasis Murciélago and the Gallardo two model of race car's appearing on the market processes, and to blue abundant Guinea now and future influence. Showing divides into four subjects: Including founder Fei Lu Jiou · blue abundant Guinea background material introduction; Its during one's term achievement; The alternation broadcast in the 1970s the early time until 1998 the new chapter which is purchased by Audi. The entire content closely “rushes to the cow regarding - - `' the symbol to follow the blue abundant Guinea wind and rain 40 years” - - this to have the commemorative significance extremely the exposition subject.
Founded in 1962, with founder Lamborghini name, as a result of production and become famous V12 engine. Di and the Lamborghini Countach. Apollo was known as the world's highest speed of the car movement and its speed of up to 315km / h and 330km / h. The company's logo is a body full of energy, is preparing to launch a fierce opponent of the attack. Lamborghini is said to me this is not to be outdone cattle temper, but also embodies the characteristics of the Lamborghini company's products, as the company's car production is high-power, high-speed sports car. On the front and rear of the trademarks of the companies were omitted, leaving only a stubborn cattle.




   《Criminal Minds》Season 7

  Queen Elizabeth I said,”The past cannot be cured.”伊丽莎白一世曾说: “遗伤难愈。 ” The journey was not traditional,but this team neutralizad 4 international criminals and saved the life of a young boy in the process.我们的做法并不符合原始规定,但小组除掉了四个跨国 犯罪分子并拯救了一个男孩的生命。------said by prentiss The only people I know who could accomplish that mission just walk out. They do their jobs with integrity. And most importantly, they honor their oath. ”I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, that I will well and faithlly discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me god.”唯一我知道能完成这项任务的人刚刚都走出去了。 他们以正直的心做自己的工作,更重要的是,他们恪守自己的誓言。 “我决心维护和捍卫美 利坚合众国宪法防止被国内外一切敌人侵犯。我将忠于宪法-恪守不渝。我自愿承担这项义 务毫无保留之意也决无推诿之心。 我必忠勤尽责为执行我即将承担的职务鞠躬尽瘁。 愿上帝 助我”------said by prentiss
  “If it is a miracle, any sort of evidence will answer. But if it is a fact, proof is a necessary.”----Mark Twain 若为奇迹一切证据皆可为之;若为事实则必证明之。马克˙吐温 ----------said by reid Scott Adams wrote, “nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.”斯科特˙亚当斯说: “复仇最能激发宽恕”----said by rossi
  Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds.------Franklin D.Roosevelt “人不是命运的囚徒而是受心灵的禁锢。 ”富兰克林˙罗斯福--------said by reid “were born alone. We live alone. We die alone. Only through our love and friendship, can we create the illusion for a moment that were not alone.”-----Orson Welles. “我们一个人来,一个 人活,一个人死。只有我们的爱人和朋友让我们暂时觉得我们不是一个人”------奥尔森˙威 尔斯。-------said by rossi
  “You may leave school, but it never leaves you.”----Andy Partridge “就算你离开了学校, 也永远不会忘怀”----------安迪˙帕特森--------said by reid “Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”------Kahill Gibran. 疼痛 是一种破茧而出的领悟-----卡里˙纪伯伦 (黎巴嫩著名作家、 诗人、 哲学家) ------said by hotch Paybacks are a bitch 出来混总是要还的-------said by morgan
  Nobody lives forever. 没人能长生不老。--------said by rossie “From childhoods hour I have not been as others were, I have not seen as others saw.”----Edger Allan Poe. 童年时起, 我便与别的孩子不同, 我看不到他们看到额世界。 -----埃德加˙爱伦˙坡。-------said by reid Let me tell you something, sweetheart. This is a Lamborghini you are talking to. You have
  to drive me. You cannot just leave me parked in the garage collecting the dust or I will wilt. 跟你说点事哦!宝贝!我乃跑车中的兰博,跑我才彰显实力,你不能锁我在车库里吃灰尘, 否则我会枯萎。 Please forgive my neglect. I need you to rev up that fine-tuned Italian engine of yours, then. 请原谅我忽视你!那我就要你转起你那完美的.意大利引擎来了。 Rush is the only speed a Lamborghini has. Proud techie dweed over and out. Beep beep ya. 兰博基尼只有冲刺的速度。金牌极品怪客通话完毕。滴滴 All things truly wicked start from an innocence. ------Ernest Hemingway. 所以得邪恶都是 从纯真开始。 欧内斯特˙海明威--------said by rossi
  To die is poignantly bitter, but the idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable.-----Erich Fromm. 死亡时辛酸的痛苦, 但是还未真正生存即寻死是无法令人接受 的。埃里克˙弗洛姆(美国心理学家)------said by rossi The timing of the death, like the ending of a story. Gives a changed meaning to what preceded it.-----Mary Cathrine Bateson. 死亡的时刻如同故事的结尾, 给予前面的人生一个不 同的意义。------玛丽˙凯瑟琳˙贝特森(美国作家 文化考古学家)------said by rossi
  For the man sound of body and serene of mind,there is no such thing as bad weather. Every day has its beauty. Do but make it pulse more vigorously.-----George Gissing. 身心若是平 静安然,就无谓天气好坏。每天都是美好,只会使脉搏跳动得更强烈。-------乔治˙吉辛(英 国小说家散文家著有《四季随笔》 )-------said by hotch P.G. At your service, dont let the name fool you. 佩佩为您服务,别受我美名的欺骗 Baby girl, you re on speaker 宝贝,给你开免提了 Holla at your girl 向你的小美女问好 Baby girl, I need those great big beautiful brains of yours 宝贝,我来借用你美丽的聪明脑了 Jazz hands ready. Gimme 双手到位,来吧 Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears from us ll but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.-----Arthur Golden. 逆境如强风,扯去我们的外衣却扯不 走内心所以我们才能看见真正的自己。---亚瑟˙高登( 《艺妓回忆录》作者)-----said by JJ JJ 和 她的儿子 Henry 煲电话粥: Bedtime for baby star. Once there was a baby star, he lived up near the sun. and every night at bedtime, that baby star wanted to have some fun. He would shine and shine and fall and shoot and twinkle, oh, so bright, and he said,”Mommy, Ill run away if you make me say good night.” And then his mommy kissed his sparkly nose and said,”No matter where you go, no matter where you are, no matter how big you grow and even if you stray far, I'll love you foever, because youre always my baby star.” 星宝宝的故事时间。以前有个星宝宝,他住在太阳叔叔旁边,每天晚上故事的时间,星 宝宝就像跟妈咪玩一玩。他会一闪一闪跳来跳去,亮晶晶,白莹莹。他说: “妈咪,你要我 说晚安我就飞出去。 ”妈妈亲亲他亮闪闪的鼻子说: “不管你去那里,不管你身处何方,不管你长到多大,就算你离我很远,我也会永远爱你,因为你永远是我的星宝宝。 ”
  Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark..-----George Lles 希望是黑暗中不灭的信 念----乔治˙莱尔斯------said by Penelope We are each on our own journey. Each of us are on our very own adventure. Encountering all kinds of challenges, and the choices we make on that adventure will shape us as we go. Those choices will strech us and test us and push us to our limit. And our adventure will make us stronger than we ever knew we could be.------Joseph Campbell 我们每个人都在自己的旅途 上,经历着自己的冒险。在冒险中,我们遭遇各种各样的挑战,面临各种各样的选择,我们 就这么成长。这些选择充实我们,考验我们,比逼迫我们。而我们的冒险,让我们变得比任 何时候都要更加坚强。----约瑟夫˙坎贝尔-----said by penelope
  Things do not change. We change.-----Henry David Thoreau. 世事未变人已变----亨利˙ 戴维˙梭罗(美国作家、哲学家)-----said by morgan Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.----Jean De La Fontaine. 在生活中, 千万不要以貌取人。 -----让˙德˙拉˙封丹 (法国作家诗人) --said by morgan
  Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.------Joe Louis. 每个人都想进 天堂却没有人想死。乔˙路易斯(重量级拳击运动员)--------said by hotch Venus has aligned with Mars which means love is in the air. 金星跟火星都能练成一线, 说 明爱满人间。------said by penelope Herman Hesse wrote, some of us think holding on makes us strong. But sometimes it is letting go. 赫尔曼˙黑塞写道:有人觉得坚持才是坚强,但是有时放手才是坚强。----said by hotch
  Three can keep a seccret if two are dead.--------Benjamin Franklin 要三个人保守一个秘密 只有当中两人死掉。本杰明˙富兰克林------said by morgan The oracle is in. How may I assist?先知降临听凭差遣-------said by penelope There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery, the time when we were happy-----Dant 最悲伤的事莫过于在痛苦中回忆起往昔的快乐。-----但丁-------said by reid.
  We do not suffer from the shock of our trauma, but we make out of it just what suitsour purposes.-----Alfred Adler 我们并不因过去的创伤而痛苦, 我们只是按自己的目的去应付。 ---阿尔弗雷德˙阿德勒(奥地利精神病学家)------said by reid. All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.-----Henry Ellis 生 活的一切精妙之处,都定格在坚持和放手的瞬间----亨利˙艾利斯----said by prentiss
  A chinese proverb says, “at the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons.” 有条中国 谚语曾这么说,赌博的人六亲不认. ------said by hotch Groge Augustus Sala said,”a gambler with a system must be, to a greater or lesser extent, insane.” 乔治˙奥古斯都˙萨拉曾说:相信规律的赌徒,肯定,或多或少,是个疯子。 Enough is enough.够了 popcorn 爆米花
  “For trust not him that hatch once broken faith.”---------William Shakespeare. 但凡不守信者,恒不为人所信。-----威廉˙莎士比亚 ------said by hotch Supervised visitation 监督探视权 You may be deceived if you trust too much. But you will live in torment if you dont trust enough.------Frank Crane. 如果你过于信任,可能会被欺骗,但如果 你缺乏信任,则会被痛苦折磨。-----弗兰克˙克莱恩 ------said by hotch
  Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.-----Honor é de Balzac. 平等或许是人的权力,但没有人能够将它变成现 实。------巴尔扎克。 -------said by morgan (Shut the front door 我勒个去 suicide note 遗书) Im for the truth, no matter who tells it. Im for justice, no matter who its for or againest.----Malcolm X. 我追求真理,不管出自谁的口;我追求正义,不管是 谁在支持或反对。-----马尔科姆(美国黑人名族领袖)------said by prentiss.
  Eckhart Tolle said,“Where there is anger, there is always pain underearth.”艾克 哈勃˙托勒说过:怒火之下必暗藏痛苦。 - -----said by morgan Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they thinkof you.------H.Jackson Browb Jr. 要让你的孩子每当想到公正和诚信时就会想到 你。----小杰克森˙布朗(美国作家)
  It was once said that love is giving someone the ability to destroy you but trusting them not to. 据说爱会给予对方摧残你的能力,同时又让你相信对方不会 这么做。 ------ said by morgan (Land your plane 有话直说) For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth. ----Bo Bennett. 不论有多么好的理由去欺骗,都有更好的理由而诚实。-----贝 纳特。 ------said by morgan
  Memory is a complicated thing, a relative to truth, but not its twin.----Barbara Kingsolver. 记忆是个复杂的东西,它接近真相,却不是真相本身。 -----芭芭 拉˙金所沃尔。--------said by prentiss Nothingfixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it. -------Michel de Montaigne. 若你想要忘却某事,它就会成为你记得最牢的事. ---蒙田(法国思想家散文家著有《蒙田随笔录》 )
  We are each our own devil and we make this world our own hell.-----Oscar Wilde. 我们内心的魔鬼将这个世界变成了地狱。-----奥斯卡˙王尔德 -----said by prentiss (Fount of wisdom 智慧之泉 chocolate thunder 甜心炸弹 Spring Equinox 春 分) All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. -----Edgar Allan Poe. 你 我所见所想,不过是镜花水月。----爱伦坡 ------said by hotch
  Worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life staying true to a lie. ---Robert Brault. 比说谎更可怕的是用一生来维系-----罗柏˙布劳特 -----said by morgan
  Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.---William Blake 宁可扼杀一个襁褓的婴儿也不要让未出场额欲望滋长。---威廉˙布莱克 ---said by hotch. Someone once said that every seed, even malignant ones, they wont grow unless they get water from someplace. 有人说过每个种子即使是恶意的种子,没有滋养就不会发芽。---said by morgan
  The philosopher Voltaire wrote,”To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.”----哲学家伏尔泰曾写道:对生者我们当予尊重;对死者我们 当予真相。 -----said by rossi
  Irish statesman and author Edmund Burke once wrote,”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 爱尔兰政治家和作家埃德 蒙˙波克曾写过:邪恶唯一的胜利就是好人的无所作为。 ----said by morgan
  Fear is met and destoryede with courage.-----James F.Bell. 恐惧终会被勇气摧毁。-----詹 姆士˙F˙贝尔 -------said by JJ Hes my love of 66 years, my story. 我们相爱了六十六年,我的故事。----一对老夫妇的 话(PS 我感动死了。。。) 。。。 Im always heard every ending is also a beginning and we just dont know it at the time. Id like to believe thats true.我总听说一件事情的结束往往是另一件事情的开始,我们只是当时 没有发觉而我愿意相信那是真的。 -----said by prentiss


天降奇兵 (2003)
James Bond Story, The (2000)
寻找佛罗斯特 (2000)
偷天陷阱 (1999)
复仇者 (1998)
随心所欲 (1998)
勇闯夺命岛 (1996)
剑侠风流 (1995)
黑狱大平反 (1995)
天生的大英雄 (1994)
燃烧的天堂 (1992)
红场谍恋 (1990)
猎杀红色十月 (1990)
俄罗斯大厦 (1990)
夺宝奇兵3之圣战奇兵 (1989)
家庭生意 (1989)
普西迪基地 (1988)
铁面无私 (1987)
魔宫传奇 (1986)
永不说不 (1983)
时间劫匪 (1981)
时光大盗 (1981)
地球浩劫 (1979)
泣血古巴 (1979)
黄金列车大劫案 (1979)
遥远的桥 (1977)
下一个目标 (1976)
罗宾汉与玛莉安 (1976) .... 罗宾
黑狮震雄风 (1975)
霸王铁金刚 (1975)
萨杜斯 (1974)
东方快车谋杀案 (1974)
突击者 (1973)
大盗铁金刚 (1971)
红帐篷 (1971)
永远的钻石 (1971)
007系列-金刚钻 (1971)
沙拉克 (1968)
007系列-雷霆谷 (1967)
铁金刚勇破火箭岭 (1967)
脂粉金刚 (1966)
雷霆万钧 (1965)
军令如山 (1965)
007系列-霹雳弹 (1965)
金手指 (1964)
美人局 (1964)
艳贼 (1964)
铁金刚勇破间谍网 (1963)
勇破神秘岛 (1962)
梦游小人国 (1959)
春梦留痕 (1958)
钻石血案 (1957)
回答者:最爱兰博基尼 - 见习魔法师 二级 9-3 21:03
天降奇兵 (2003)
James Bond Story, The (2000)
寻找佛罗斯特 (2000)
偷天陷阱 (1999)
复仇者 (1998)
随心所欲 (1998)
勇闯夺命岛 (1996)
剑侠风流 (1995)
黑狱大平反 (1995)
天生的大英雄 (1994)
燃烧的天堂 (1992)
红场谍恋 (1990)
猎杀红色十月 (1990)
俄罗斯大厦 (1990)
夺宝奇兵3之圣战奇兵 (1989)
家庭生意 (1989)
普西迪基地 (1988)
铁面无私 (1987)
魔宫传奇 (1986)
永不说不 (1983)
时间劫匪 (1981)
时光大盗 (1981)
地球浩劫 (1979)
泣血古巴 (1979)
黄金列车大劫案 (1979)
遥远的桥 (1977)
下一个目标 (1976)
罗宾汉与玛莉安 (1976) .... 罗宾
黑狮震雄风 (1975)
霸王铁金刚 (1975)
萨杜斯 (1974)
东方快车谋杀案 (1974)
突击者 (1973)
大盗铁金刚 (1971)
红帐篷 (1971)
永远的钻石 (1971)
007系列-金刚钻 (1971)
沙拉克 (1968)
007系列-雷霆谷 (1967)
铁金刚勇破火箭岭 (1967)
脂粉金刚 (1966)
雷霆万钧 (1965)
军令如山 (1965)
007系列-霹雳弹 (1965)
金手指 (1964)
美人局 (1964)
艳贼 (1964)
铁金刚勇破间谍网 (1963)
勇破神秘岛 (1962)
梦游小人国 (1959)
春梦留痕 (1958)
钻石血案 (1957)
肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery一共演过大约100部电影:
101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)
Unsere Besten - Das gro?e Lesen (2004)
The Untouchables: Production Stories (2004)
The Untouchables: The Script, the Cast (2004)
天降奇兵/绅士联盟 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy (2003)
Intimate Portrait: Vanessa Marcil (2003)
Sex at 24 Frames Per Second (2003)
2003 MLB All-Star Game (2003)
Premiere Bond: Die Another Day (2002)
Andere tijden de vergeten James Bond (2002)
"Secrets of Superstar Fitness" (2002)
Best Ever Bond (2002)
James Bond: A BAFTA Tribute (2002)
Bond Girls Are Forever (2002)
Behind the Scenes: Finding Forrester (2001)
寻找佛罗斯特 Finding Forrester (2000)
A&E Biography: James Bond - The Secret Life of 007 (2000)
The Trouble with Marnie (2000)
The BBC and the BAFTA Tribute to Michael Caine (2000)
Cubby Broccoli: The Man Behind Bond (2000)
Inside 'Diamonds Are Forever' (2000)
The Music of James Bond (2000)
John Barry: Licence to Thrill (2000)
Inside 'Dr. No' (2000)
Ken Adam: Designing Bond (2000)
Double-O Stunts (2000)
Harry Saltzman: Showman (2000)
Inside 'From Russia with Love' (2000)
Inside 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service' (2000)
Inside 'The Man with the Golden Gun' (2000)
Inside Q's Laboratory (2000)
Inside 'You Only Live Twice' (2000)
Silhouettes: The James Bond Titles (2000)
偷天陷阱/将计就计 Entrapment (1999)
The James Bond Story (1999)
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1999)
Terence Young: Bond Vivant (1999)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: A Look Inside (1999)
随心所欲/从心所爱 Playing by Heart (1998)
复仇者 Avengers, The (1998)
Junket Whore (1998)
龙之心 Dragonheart (1996)
勇闯夺命岛/绝地任务/石破天惊 Rock, The (1996)
剑侠风流 First Knight (1995)
黑狱大平反 Just Cause (1995)
World of 007, The (1995)
天生大英雄 Good Man in Africa, A (1994)
旭日东升 Rising Sun (1993)
燃烧的天堂 Medicine Man (1992)
挑战者 2:天幕之战 Highlander II: The Quickening (1991)
侠盗王子罗宾汉/大盗罗宾汉/奇云高士拿之侠盗罗宾汉 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
猎杀红色十月/追击赤色十月 Hunt for Red October, The (1990)
俄罗斯大厦 Russia House, The (1990)
家庭生意 Family Business (1989)
圣战奇兵/夺宝奇兵3之圣战奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
父子战争 Memories of Me (1988)
普西迪基地 Presidio, The (1988)
义胆雄心 Untouchables, The (1987)
挑战者 Highlander (1986)
魔宫传奇,玫瑰的名字 Name der Rose, Der (1986)
007系列:巡弋飞弹 Never Say Never Again (1983)
Five Days One Summer (1982)
Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1982)
拆穿西洋镜 Wrong Is Right (1982)
时间劫匪 Time Bandits (1981)
九宵云外 Outland (1981)
泣血古巴 Cuba (1979)
火车大劫案 First Great Train Robbery, The (1979)
地球浩劫 Meteor (1979)
遥远的桥 Bridge Too Far, A (1977)
下一个目标 Next Man, The (1976)
罗宾汉与玛莉安 Robin and Marian (1976)
霸王铁金刚 Man Who Would Be King, The (1975)
Ransom (1975)
黑狮震雄风 Wind and the Lion, The (1975)
萨杜斯 Zardoz (1974)
东方快车谋杀案 Murder on the Orient Express (1974)
Offence, The (1973)
007系列:永远的钻石 Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
红帐篷 Krasnaya palatka (1971)
大盗铁金刚 Anderson Tapes, The (1971)
Molly Maguires, The (1970)
沙拉克 Shalako (1968)
007系列:雷霆谷 You Only Live Twice (1967)
脂粉金刚 Fine Madness, A (1966)
山丘 Hill, The (1965)
雷霆万钧 Thunderball (1965)
金手指 Goldfinger (1964)
艳贼 Marnie (1964)
美人局 Woman of Straw (1964)
007系列:第七号情报员 2 From Russia with Love (1963)
007之NO博士 Dr. No (1962)
最长的一天 Longest Day, The (1962)
梦游小人国 Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959)
泰山擒凶记 Tarzan's Greatest Adventure (1959)
春梦留痕 Another Time, Another Place (1958)
饿虎扑羊 Action of the Tiger (1957)
钻石血案 No Road Back (1957)
Hell Drivers (1957)


And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is a strange and mysterious to the birth of a surprise launch of a people and a staggering of the super sports car. Lamborghini can best represent the history of Rome in 2700, seven hill city of Rome was not built the city's defense, the expansion and the moment in the initial attack on the rally in the blood. Lamborghini Ferrari born is the enemy, but also doomed to all the world's super sports car is a strong opponent. It is the devil, but not to the ravages of the world. It is Satan, because it is taking another type of line. It is the rare works of art around the world, Italy's most prestigious designers Gandini its efforts into life. Every corner, every line is so perfect, are almost silent Lamborghini original interpretation of the United States. How many people can not have it, because it is expensive to the point can not be imagined. It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground.
  Lamborghini supercar, the Ferrari as a challenge to come to earth, and perhaps one day will be born with the mission to change, but the life extension for the same is absurd and unconscionable乖张. Such a maverick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure.
  The two main model Lamborghini Countach and the Diablo, countach model in Geneva in 1973 the first World Exposition of the meeting.
  Lamborghini鲁吉欧charges after the war in Italy to create a series of tractors, oil burner and air-conditioning system, so as to set its own brand reputation, and in 1963 in Italy, Sant 'Agata depot set up their own. This is said to have a Lamborghini sports car fans and enzo ferrari intention (Enzo Ferrari) met for its products would like to mention some suggestions for improvement. However, Ferrari and a tractor has no intention of listening to the views of manufacturers. Although without research, this anecdote has been in the circle. The truth no matter how, one year after the first Lamborghini sports car - Lamborghini 350GTV - is available, and it marks a period of amazing success of the beginning of the road. No one can think of some of the world's future super-celebrities will be competing for the purchase of Lamborghini, have a long list of Frank Sinatra (Frank Sinatra) and Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney). All in all the times recorded in the annals of the most successful sports car are all contained in a Lamborghini sports car of the two well-known "Countach" and the "Miura".
  Twists and turns through a series of frustrations, the fee鲁吉欧Lamborghini finally retire from the company in 1972. Lamborghini (whether or company) has never been a lack of imagination, but it has been the lack of solid financial support. In fact, the Lamborghini of bankruptcy in 1980, Italy米兰姆businessmen brothers acquired the company. Later, Lamborghini has several owners, including Chrysler. But they did not show the true lovers of concern Lamborghini. In fact, Lamborghini and Audi has been deeply origin, their previous cooperation in the pursuit of aluminum chassis structure. This relationship was marriage success in 1998, joined the Volkswagen Group Lamborghini. The financial support of the Audi, Lamborghini has its own management team to operate. Under the management of the Audi plant in 2003, introducing the concept of the Murciélago and Gallardo.
  The integration of this culture is not easy (full of exotic car manufacturers and a global automotive giant, a group with a group of passionate Italians and Germans proud). The result is a complete retrofit and rehabilitation of the Lamborghini. Audi can also have the ability to provide a large number of technical support, and the Volkswagen Group's financial support will allow Lamborghini to pursue the development of new products, it is impossible in the past.
  Evidence of rehabilitation is obvious: after all these years, Lamborghini once on the introduction of two new models, factory facilities have been expanding and updating, the latest being the new Institute. In addition, the Lamborghini Museum also began to open the door. If you go to Modena, we will certainly be going to visit the Lamborghini museum.
  "Audi history and culture" department Commissioner for the museum to highlight the theme of this exhibition came to adopt a new tactic. Key to display the current Murciélago and Gallardo sports car two after the launch, Lamborghini and its impact on the impact of present and future. Shown divided into four themes: the founder of charges including鲁吉欧Lamborghini introduced the background information; their job performance during the period; interspersed play the 20th century until the early 70s was in 1998 acquired a new chapter in the Audi. Tightly around the entire contents - " '奔牛' marks 40 years of wind and rain accompanied by Lamborghini" - the most memorable theme of the exhibition.
  And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is strange that this person, the legend, and the poor. As a die-hard Ferrari fans, he also manufacturing tractors in 1959, at the same time also offering air-conditioning and radiator. Wanted to build a Lamborghini Aircraft Corporation, was the Italian government refused. Lamborghini Super Ferrari fans is that he owns a Ferrari sports car four, of course, with his air-conditioned tractor radiator-earned money to buy the. Lamborghini Ferrari favorite 250 of the failure, was looking for sports car manufacturer Ferrari gearbox problem complaints, refused. While angrily denouncing Ferrari Lamborghini father - enzo ferrari (Enzo Ferrari), enzo ferrari more must answer: do not need a tractor to tell me how to make a sports bar! (Early, like the Ferrari and now the哄哄MA牛逼, they put all the efforts on the car, the general civilian vehicle just to make money to subsidize R & D Racing, the Ferrari-level civilian control of the performance of the road in general, car owners do not satisfaction but did not dare complain, because it may be to prohibit the purchase of the Ferrari, it seems that everyone has the low sex).
  Nature of the Lamborghini孤傲respected by their own people by making a mockery of such a consequence is still serious: Treasures from the sale of its four视若Ferrari sports car and go bankrupt, "Lamborghini sports car manufacturer Co., Ltd." In the distance of both Ferrari Modena 15 km of the new Sant agata bolohgess.
  On the means of the next Lamborghini - Ferrari and Maserati dug from a large number of people, including well-known贝萨里尼(Giotto Bizzarini), the designer of Ferrari 250GTO, he in the 20th century, the impact of the Italian car scene power even higher than the Enzo and佛瑞肯, he designed the 3.5-liter 360-horsepower V-12 engine has become the banner of Lamborghini Ferrari challenge.贝萨里尼enough personality that he renegade Ferrari enzo ferrari because he refused to allow the use of independent suspension, many years later is too late often enzo ferrari贝萨里尼of release!
  October 26, 1963, Turin, Italy, auto show, Lamborghini launch of his first works 350GTV (chassis number 0100), speed 280 km / h, only one production. Finally, a devil was born, a devil take the independent route, the devil of the most prestigious Italian designers Gandini life into their efforts.
  Mr. Lamborghini died in 1993.
  费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼在意大利战后制造了一系列的拖拉机、燃油燃烧器及空调系统,从而为自己的品牌树立了声望,并于1963年在意大利Sant 'Agata 成立了自己的车厂.据说有一次兰博基尼这个跑车迷打算和恩佐·法拉利(Enzo Ferrari)会面,想对其产品提些改进建议.然而法拉利并无意听取一个拖拉机制造商的意见.虽未经考证,这则轶事始终在圈内流传.不论事实真相如何,一年后首款兰博基尼跑车——兰博基尼350GTV——面世了,它标志着一段令人称奇的成功之路的开始.没人能想到日后世界上的一些超级名流会竞相购买兰博基尼,长长的名册中有法兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)和保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney).所有记载各个时代最成功跑车的编年史中无一不载录了兰博基尼的两款著名跑车“ Countach”和“ Miura”.
  在意大利乃至全世界,兰博基尼这个人是诡异的、传奇的、可怜的.作为法拉利的铁杆车迷,他1959年还在制造拖拉机,同时还兼做空调和暖气片.兰博基尼本想建立一家飞机公司,被意大利政府严词拒绝.兰博基尼是法拉利的超级粉丝,他拥有四辆法拉利跑车,当然是用他生产拖拉机暖气片空调赚来的钱买的.兰博基尼最喜欢的法拉利250出了故障,遂找法拉利跑车制造公司投诉变速箱问题,遭拒.气愤之余兰博基尼声讨法拉利之父——恩佐法拉利(Enzo Ferrari),恩佐法拉利的答复更绝:用不着一个做拖拉机的来告诉我如何制造跑车吧!(早期的法拉利和现在一样马哄哄的牛逼,他们把所有的精力都放在赛车上,一般民用车只是为了赚钱来补贴赛车研发,民用级的法拉利路面操控性能一般,车主们不满意却不敢抱怨,因为这样可能会被禁止购买法拉利,看来人人都有贱性).
  生性孤傲的兰博基尼被自己所敬重的人如此嘲弄,后果还算严重:变卖了自己视若珍宝的四辆法拉利跑车并倾家荡产,“兰博基尼跑车制造股份有限公司”在距离法拉利之都Modena仅15公里的Sant agata bolohgess新建.
  接下来兰博基尼就不择手段了——从法拉利和玛莎拉蒂挖了大批人才,包括著名的贝萨里尼(Giotto Bizzarini),法拉利250GTO的设计师,他在20世纪意大利车坛的影响力甚至高于恩佐和佛瑞肯,他设计的3.5升360马力的V-12发动机成为兰博基尼挑战法拉利的旗帜.贝萨里尼也够个性的,他叛离法拉利的原因是恩佐法拉利拒绝让他使用独立后悬挂,多年后恩佐法拉利对放走贝萨里尼追悔莫及!